Abstract Submission

Authors who wish to present their research or review papers at the conference must submit the extended abstracts according to the given guidelines below.

All accepted abstracts will be published online. Acceptance of abstracts implies the work will be presented at the conference and at least one author will register and attend the conference.

Optional Full Paper Submission

Authors of accepted abstracts may submit a full-length paper if they wish to have their papers considered further for possible publication consideration by one of the partner journals of the conference. Papers may be revised and submitted after presenting and receiving feedback at the conference. Guidelines on submitting the full paper are according to the author guidelines of the respective journal.

The full papers submitted by the author will be pre reviewed by two expert reviewers appointed by the conference academic committee. Then the reviewed paper will be sent back to the author for necessary upgrading if needed. Then author should be sent it back to the conference secretariat by e mail. Then Conference secretariat will go through it and check whether author has made the necessary upgrading according to the reviewers’ comments.
If they satisfy about the standards of the paper, then it will be forwarded to the respective journal selected by the author with recommendation of the conference chair. Then journal will take care of the manuscript and process it according to their standards and requirements. Acceptance or Rejection of the manuscript is in the hands of the respective journal. Important is conference secretariat will assist author to upgrade the standards of the manuscript within the registration fee. (No additional chargers for this process)

Extended Abstract Guidelines

Specific Instructions to Authors

Margins: Extended abstracts must be in double spacing, font size 12 in Times New Roman and all margins: 1.5 inches (left) and 1 inch (top, right and bottom).

Length:Maximum 850 words and minimum 750 words.

Software: Extended abstracts must be submitted in Microsoft Word form ONLY.

Title:Written in upper case, font size 14, bold and centered

Authors:Name, affiliation, address, email and contact number of all authors, font 10

Key words: 4-5 keywords

Please identify type of article: Research paper/ Case study/Conceptual paper/Review paper

Content of the abstract should be included;

Extended abstract headlıne (Times New Roman 14 Bold, Centered)

Author’s Name and Surname1, Author’s Name and Surname2 (10 font size)

1, 2 Authors' full affiliation and E-mail of the corresponding author

This document explains and demonstrates how to prepare the AgInsight 2016 extended abstract. Please read these instructions and follow the outline below. All abstracts should be written in English. Extended abstracts can contain one figure or table. Do not indent the text paragraphs. The extended abstract should be preferably in MS Word format in double-spaced and 11 font size Times New Roman. Maximun word count is 850 words without figuer or table.

1. Introductıon and objectives (Times New Roman, 12 font size, limit to 150 words)

2. Research methods (Times New Roman, 12 font size, limit to 200 words)

3. Conclusions (Times New Roman, 12 font size, limit to 100 words)

4. References (Limit to 4 key references and follow the APA style) (Times New Roman, 12 font size)

Templete of Extended abstract is available here.

Optional Full Paper Submission:

Authors of abstracts accepted for conference presentation may choose to submit a full-length paper; however, this is not mandatory for presenting at the conference.

Full papers should be submitted according to the authors' guideline of the Journal of Agricultural Sciences published by the faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.

Authors guidelines are available here
If you wish to publish full paper at the Journal of Agricultural Sciences ISSN 1391-9318, e-ISSN 2386-1369 you have to submit a cover letter expressing your willingness. Then journal editors will take necessary actions according to the journal publishing policy.

Submit paper here.